Pornez: Why do you like watching it so much?

The arousal caused by watching pornez has a lot to do with the stimuli in the brain. But why are we so attracted to watching pornez?

Pornoz: Why do you like watching it so much?

The stimulation before images or video of pornography gives us plenty of reasons to imagine, get excited, and even learn about our sexuality while we enjoy watching it. One of the theories holds that watching pornez is due to the evolution of man, since they are easily aroused and become ready to have sexual relations, this leads to spread among the human species.


Most common reasons

  • As a preamble to sexual intercourse    pornez
  • Let your imagination run wild
  • Visual images excite faster
  • For masturbation alone
  • To learn new sexual strategies
  • For sexual fantasies
  • By stages of growth of the human being
  • To compare
  • To please yourself better
  • For morbid
  • By acceptance


pornozThe pornez industry moves a lot of money. Despite its widespread use, pornography is considered taboo. The researcher at the University of Nevada (USA) Tara Emmer-Sommer who has carried out various studies on porn and its implications, the last of which was published in the journal Sexuality & Culture.

After analyzing 76 current consumers of pornography, a sample that, although she admits is small, has significant statistical potential, the expert has defined the main reasons given for consuming pornography and what attitudes this hobby is associated with.

Emmer-Sommer has concluded that pornography is consumed more solo and for masturbatory purposes than as a couple activity, but that it is women who consume it more in this way, often to please their partners. This research has shown that there are differences between pornez for men and for women. The first refers to the quantity, since its consumption is more frequent in men than in women.

Another curious fact is that men who consume pornography are, as paradoxical as it may seem, much more conservative in the sexual aspect and also more traditional, and on top of that, men who are used to pornography feel the opposite sex more as an adversary than women with the same habit.